Building Boundaries for Balance - Workshop

Building Boundaries for Balance - Workshop


Held on the second Monday of each month from August - October, the Building Boundaries for Balance Workshop series comprises 3 x 90min fun, informative and practical sessions that provide real-life tools to help you set and hold balanced boundaries. We work through 7 key boundaries that are linked with the chakras so will cover 2-3 each month. There will also be an inner child meditation for you to learn

This workshop is great for empaths, introverts, over-givers and anyone who struggles to say ‘no’. It’s perfect for anyone that does body work or where they are in other people’s emotional or physical energy a lot. It’s great for those who would love to gain insight into what has stopped them from setting boundaries in the past and would like to learn wording and other tools to help set balanced boundaries moving forward.

Firstly, you can expect to gain an understanding as to why you haven’t been able to set or hold boundaries in the past. Understanding this takes a lot of the self blame away and is actually deeply healing. We then delve into some tools to help you start and build the boundary muscle!! We cover 7 main boundaries over the three, monthly workshops.

The key word here is balanced. Telling someone where to go is a verbal boundary and while it may be necessary in some instances, if you would like an ongoing or working relationship with the person, it may not be the most resourceful way to respond. It is also not resourceful if you put up so many boundaries you have no social or work life or connection with anyone. We want balanced boundaries, not walls.

You will receive a worksheet each month to help you reflect on the tools learned and help you practice strengthening the boundary muscle, after the workshop. Knowing what words to use to set a boundary was my biggest challenge when I started!! You will also receive tools to help with emotional and energetic boundaries too.

We also touch on inner child work with a meditation in the 2nd workshop which is really important to help you have the confidence to set strong and healthy boundaries.

Finally there will be a Q&A session where you can ask any burning ‘scenario’ questions about boundary setting in your life.

You can expect to leave with a deeper understanding of why you may have struggled to set boundaries as well as tools you can practice to help you feel more confident to practice building the boundary muscle! The more you do it, the easier it gets! These workshops build on each other so I strongly recommend attending all three.

It is a fun, informative and practical workshop that will hopefully lead to a more balance in all your relationships!

I look forward to connecting with you soon!

Much Love,
Jo x

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